Horoscope SP2Horoscope SP1 [TizenOS]nbWatch: Horoscope Sp1Premium Astro (Horoscope)

Discover Premium astro clock

DongSon BolDongSon SpeDongSon Sym[SWH] DongSon

An analog watch (American) or analogue watch (UK and Commonwealth) is a watch whose display is not digital but rather analog with a traditional clock face.

nbWatch: World Time PronbWatch: World Time XWorld Time Pro [TizenOS]World Time X [TizenOS]

Track the time in 24 time zones at once, and weather

BigTime CustomizeBigTime LitenbWatch: BigTime CustomizenbWatch: BigTime Lite

Hours and Mins are big numbers

BigTime CustomizenbWatch: BigTime Customize

Customize watch using https://nbsix.com/cus tool

DongSon SymDongSon BolDongSon Spe[SWH] DongSon

Watchface infomation follow DongSon drum style!

[sw] Dynamic Watch ESP2[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP4[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3[sw] Dynamic Watch ESP1

Select colors manually or randomly at intervals. Color options with red, green and blue combinations, up to over 16 million colors

[nb2] Lunisolar lunar full太陰暦 (Japanese)Special lunisolar watch (Lunar)Lunisolar Watch (Lunar)

The clock displays the Lunisolar (Lunar) Calendar, with dozens of features.

Tic Tac Toe CaroRGB BlackjackRGB Poker

Play games on watch faces

nbWatch: Calendar PronbWatch: DragonHaaaalloween PlusHaaaalloween

Holiday themed watch faces

Shark Gear One[nb6] P-Clock X3 Engine[nb6] S-Clock X3 EnginePremium Astro (Horoscope)

Animation watchface

California Numeric & Roman [TizenOS]California Black Watch [TizenOS]

California-style watch face

Dynamic ESP10 Pro WeatherDynamic ESP9-B Pro WeatherDynamic ESP9 Pro WeatherDynamic ESP8 Pro Weather

Detailed weather forecast

RGB BlackjackRGB Poker

Play the game on your watch, why not?

[sw] Q-Clock DPart DualTime[sw] Q-Clock CPart DualTime[nb] Q-Clock BPart[nb] Q-Clock APart

Extracted from other series watch faces !

[sw] Q-Clock DPart DualTime[sw] Q-Clock CPart DualTimeDynamic Dual Weather ESP6 XDynamic Dual Weather ESP6

Display 2 time zones at the same time

Dynamic Dual Weather ESP6 XDynamic Dual Weather ESP6

Weather forecast for 2 locations at the same time

[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP5[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP4[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3

Contains weather forecast chart

[nb6] P-Clock X3 Engine[nb6] S-Clock X3 Engine

Engine animated can control start/stop

[SWH] DongSon

Health Information

[nb] F-Weather Whitesmoke-Titanium Theme	[nb] F-Weather DarkSky Theme[nb] F-Weather Titanium Theme[nb] F-Weather Full multiple theme

There is a weather forecast on the watch face

[nb] F-Weather Whitesmoke-Titanium Theme	[nb] F-Weather DarkSky Theme[nb] F-Weather Titanium Theme[nb] F-Weather Full multiple theme

Weather clock Premium version, with many Themes, many functions.

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