Watchface displays animated information circle text, with style customization
This watch face gradually changes to highlight the current hour. The numerals are a custom font designed to fit into the edge of the display and move seamlessly from one hour to the next.
This watch face show the animation, and support custom function when choosing watch face
The watchface displays modern Lunar calendar (Lunisolar) information
The watchface shows the relative positions of the planets in the solar system
The watchface displays a classic style with a celestial motif at the center.
Premium dual time watchface, choose and display 2 time zones at the same time
The watchface display sleek hybrid digital and analog with Timezone map information
Watchface displays compass direction, location data, style customization
The clock displays the Lunisolar (Lunar) Calendar, with dozens of features.
The watchface displays modern Lunar calendar (Lunisolar) information
Select colors manually or randomly at intervals. Color options with red, green and blue combinations, up to over 16 million colors
Weather clock Premium version, with many Themes, many functions.
More features, weather forecast for the next days. Whitesmoke-DarkSky Theme
More features, weather forecast for the next days. Whitesmoke-Titanium Theme
More features, weather forecast for the next days. DarkSky Theme
More features, weather forecast for the next days. Titanium Theme
Watchface infomation follow DongSon drum style!
Engine animated can control start/stop
X3 Engine animated can control, revolutions per minute 5 -> 70 (rpm) can Speed up and slow down.(Style 2)
X3 Engine animated can control, revolutions per minute 5 -> 70 (rpm) can Speed up and slow down.(Style 1)
Discover Premium astro clock
Current zodiac sign, sunrise, sunset, noon, digital clock 24h/12h, analog clock can hidden hands, day of the week, moon phase...
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