GalaxyStore TizenOS #dynamic#wearther#weatherchart

[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3

The application is no longer available.


16 Million colors
+ Modern interface with information about date, month, battery info, heart rate (refresh every 6 minutes). 
+ Color options with red, green and blue combinations, up to over 16 million colors 
+ Select colors manually or randomly at intervals 

- Weather data (refresh every 15 minutes / refresh manually)
+ Feels like, wind speed, visibility, humidity, uvindex, dewpoint
+ Switch between °C and °F
+ Forecast chart for the next 6 days (temperature, rain probability, weather icon)

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This app is currently free


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[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3 on Youtube
[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3 (photo 1)
[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3 (photo 2)
[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3 (photo 3)
[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3 (photo 4)
[sw] Dynamic Watch Weather ESP3 (photo 5)


nbWatch: World Time Pro

nbWatch: World Time Pro

This watch face lets you track the time in 24 time zones at once, weather infomation for city represent.


nbWatch: God's eye

nbWatch: God's eye

The watchface displays a classic style with a celestial motif at the center.


nbWatch: Solar dial

nbWatch: Solar dial

Solar Dial watchface displays the sun’s events for the day


nbWatch Weather Plus WFF

nbWatch Weather Plus WFF

The watchface display weather information


nbWatch The Ring Animation

nbWatch The Ring Animation

Watchface displays animated information circle text, with style customization


© 2021 swatchub.