GalaxyStore TizenOS #wearther

Weather ESP12 [TizenOS]

The application is no longer available.


Weather forecast watchface (ESP12)

- Modern interface with information about date, day of week, month, battery info... 
- Weather data (refresh every 15 minutes / refresh manually)
+ Feels like, wind speed, visibility, humidity, uvindex, dewpoint
+ Cloud cover
+ Today max/min temperature
+ Switch between °C and °F
+ Forecast chart for the next 6 days (max/min temperature, weather icon)

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This app is currently free


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Weather ESP12 [TizenOS]
Weather ESP12 [TizenOS] (photo 1)
Weather ESP12 [TizenOS] (photo 2)
Weather ESP12 [TizenOS] (photo 3)
Weather ESP12 [TizenOS] (photo 4)


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